Mission - Vision - Core values
Cập nhật lúc 16:23, 28/02/2018 (GMT+7)


Developing high-quality human resources that become experts and leaders in the field of law and possess strategic and adaptability capacity suitable for State, organizations, and society. Students can make practical contributions to national growth; become innovative and spread knowledge; are capable of basic research, applied scientific research on jurisprudence; consul, review and provide valuable legal service to the State, organizations, society, and citizens.


Becoming a highly integrated and prestigious research-oriented law university in Southeast Asia.

Core values

High quality: 

The School of Law always aims for excellence in all fields and activities of each individual, unit, and collective. This is a suitable value for the mission, vision and strategic goals towards regional and international levels. High quality and efficiency in all activities of the School are both the goal and the motivation for the development 

Innovation, Creation and Sustainable Development: 

The School of Law is a creative and liberal environment. We support, encourage and facilitate progressive ideas, innovation, and creativity in teaching, learning, scientific research and other activities that contribute to the development of the School of Law, Vietnam National University, Hanoi and the whole society. Innovation and creativity must uphold sustainable development. 

Social Responsibility: 

The School of Law is committed to serving society and guarantee learners with the best quality of training and service. We provide the society with excellent training, scientific research, and service that bring about positive changes to the nation.

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